Site Policy
1. Web Browser
We recommend the following browsers when viewing our site.
For Windows:
Internet Explorer 6.0 or above
Firefox 1.5 or above
Opera 8.0 or above
For Macintosh (OS X):
Firefox 1.5 or above
Safari 2 or above
Opera 8.0 or above
In other computing environments, or even in the recommended environment, this website may not display properly or be usable depending on your browser settings. You can download the above browsers from the following links.
2. JavaScript
This website uses JavaScript 1.1 on each page. If you have this feature turned off in your browser, the site may not display or function correctly. Please view the site with JavaScript turned on.
Also, please set Internet Explorer's security level to medium. Please refer to the browser's help file for information on changing the setting.
3. Type Size
We recommend viewing the site with the standard type size. For usability, we have included a type size changing feature, which we encourage you to use as needed.
4. Plug-ins
This site contains Flash and PDF elements. Please use the following software.
It may take a little time to download.
5. Script Code
The copyright for the script code, routines, modules, etc. included with the HTML files in this site is held by Sankyo Reels, Inc. or their respective creators. Duplication in whole or in part, sale to any third pary, rental, free distribution, or transfer thereof is prohibited.
6. Web Standards
Amongst the web standards the contents of this site adheres to are the following:
- XHTML(Extensible HyperText Markup Language) 1.0 Transitional
Language for notating the structure of the web contents - CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) Level 2
System indicating how the web contents are displayed.
Also, this site will continue as a part of site improvement to adhere to web standards. Along with daily operations and updates to ensure there is no non-compliant content, updates will be made to conform to new standards as necessary and in order of priority.
*Web standards are standard World Wide Web related technologies as determined by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Compliance with these standards benefits both the transmitter and recipient of information.
7. Personal Information
Please refer to our Privacy Policy for details on personal information on our website.